Episode Twelve
From Pete's Notebooks:

Notes on The Jinx

The Jinx have been here in u-town at least as long as I have.

Where were they before?  I can't imagine.  They fit in here, but
people who fit in here often come here because they don't fit in
anywhere else.

Individually, many members of the Jinx are quite amusing and playful
and fun to be with.  But, with all of them, there comes that moment
when duty calls and they get very serious all of a sudden.  It's like
being at a party with Bruce Wayne and suddenly he sees the Bat-Signal
through a window.  Everything changes.

Neil (Dr. Lee's bodyguard, though this is never stated explicitly)
comes quite often to Henshaw's poker parties, and he's a lot looser
when he's not guarding Dr. Lee, but he still sits where he can see the
door, and I'm sure he's always armed.

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